SDG Integrated in IB Lessons

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) activities during MCO!

Sustainability campaign in English class – MYP 5 (2021)

MYP5 English language acquisition students were tasked with creating a sustainability campaign to raise awareness and incite change in their local communities. Amanda, Ling Ern and Crystal worked together to make a video about paper waste, having identified this as a current issue of sustainability affecting their local community.

Primary Years Programme Exhibition – PYP 1-6 (2021)

At UCSI PYP 4 &5 students and teachers extensively discussed local or global issues and opportunities that have meaning to them and connected to the school or local contexts. These discussions spark ideas, interests and directions for student inquiries. PYP Students at UCSI inquired into a real-world issue related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. They gathered information through research and interviews, formed opinions and designed an action plan to address the issue.

A global issue or opportunity which UCSI students inquired for their PYP Exhibition 2021:

  • Life Below water
  • Clean Water and sanitisation
  • Gender Equality
  • Peace and conflict
  • Good Health and Well being

Sky Photography Competition – PYP, MYP & DP (2021)

In effort to support International Day for Blue Skies, along with International Preservation of the Ozone Layer, students were tasked with taking the best photography of the clear blue skies in an effort to come out with something creative and imaginative. Students from PYP, MYP & DP all took part in an effort to raise awareness on the importance of Blue Skies and the Ozone Layer.  Students had limitless possibilities on what they choose to create with their photography.

Environmental Systems & Society – DP 1 (2020)

DP 1 ESS (Environmental Systems and Society) students designed a bottle terrarium (a model of a closed system) and they changed the conditions and altered the natural contents of each jar to observe how these changes affect the seed germination and growth. To do this, students collected various naturally available materials around the school, planted seeds in a jar and recorded their growth each week!

Integrated Humanities -MYP 5(2020)

Over 6 weeks, students discovered the process of extracting oil and the importance of oil in various industries county-wise and global wise. They investigated how global events impacted and impacting oil prices and learned about the sustainability of resource-extraction industries. Finally, students have prepared a report on behalf of the Minister of Resources of the selected country with insights of environmental issues and proposed alternative energy resources for further development in compliance with SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). Students performed with organisation, thinking and public speaking skills and practised with independent and guided research activities.

UIS Springhill Service Day (2019)

UIS Springhill Service Day is annually dedicated to the community or social service. It is a voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the students. We can do service for our school, for the local community, or for the whole community. Today our students worked in the following groups: Life and Land, Technical Theatre and ICT, Lake Park Clean Up Action, Dirt Buster 3.0, Eco-School Garden and the Ukulele Project.

Students and supervisors collaboratively planned and arranged a variety of projects in the local community, as well as in small student-led activities. The whole school community reflection and sharing session is a finale of this tiring but exciting event-day to acknowledge and celebrate the ways of modelling the IB Learner Profile attributes.

World Soil Day National Video Competition

With the recent World Soil Day National Competition taking place, students were tasked with in showing their creativity in an effort to create awareness on the importance of preserving soil health for the good of human beings, all living beings and our planet. The competition was open to all Secondary school students residing in Malaysia, and over 300 participants took part in it.

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