Noel Chia Weixiang

Name: Noel Chia Weixiang

Title: Math & Science Teacher

Nationality: Malaysian


  • Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Applied Physics, University of Malaya
  • Over 15 years of teaching experiences

Noel is a passionate educator who ignites curiosity in Mathematics and Physics. His inquisitive and rational nature drives him to unravel the complexities of the universe. By seamlessly integrating Math and Physics into daily life, he makes learning engaging and relatable. He believes in lifelong learning, fostering growth in both himself and his students. Creativity guides his teaching, tailoring methods to individual needs. With over a decade of experience, he imparts knowledge to A-Level and IGCSE students and mentors aspiring university entrants. Noel’s mission is to inspire a love for learning and empower students to thrive.

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