Janda Baik Trip

Welcome to the highlights of UCSI International School KL Janda Baik Trip! This day marked an immersive 21st-century education experience, prioritizing essential skills like creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and character development. The setting was nothing short of magical, with a diverse range of activities designed to engage and challenge young minds. From adrenaline-pumping paintball matches that tested strategic thinking to tranquil fishing moments by the water’s edge, and precision archery that demanded focus and skill, each activity contributed to a holistic learning environment. Surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, students found themselves in a unique classroom where interactive, hands-on experiences took centre stage. Teamwork was not just a concept but a practice as students navigated challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of collaboration and problem-solving. The trip wasn’t just about education; it was an adventure that encouraged personal growth. As the day unfolded, students not only learned valuable life lessons but also created unforgettable memories against the backdrop of nature’s tranquility. Explore our gallery to witness the joy, concentration, and camaraderie among the students as they embraced each activity. The UCSI International School KL Janda Baik Trip is more than an excursion; it’s an opportunity for students to learn, grow, and bond in a setting that goes beyond traditional classrooms.

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